Pitney Bowes says new sorting software cuts US postage costsOTHER NEW

Pitney Bowes is promising better access to postage discounts for mailers in the United States, with a new software platform.

The new SortEngine system is designed for the company’s Vantage, Olympus, Reliant and VariSort machines for sorting outgoing mail.

The world’s largest mailroom equipment producer said this week that the new software helps improve the efficiency of the mailing process, integrating the sorting stage into the printing and mailing.

But with US postage rates set to go up in January, Pitney Bowes said the system could also help keep postage costs down.

The Connecticut-based company said the SortEngine platform was build “from the ground up” with the new tracking system of the US Postal Service in mind – Intelligent Mail barcodes. And, Pitney Bowes said its system has programming flexibility so that it keeps up with regulatory changes.

The platform also has a flexible sorting control system that can weigh up the balance between potential postage discounts for high levels of sorting versus the processing time needed to gain the discounts.

The system can also track postage costs and discount levels by customer to help with mailers’ billing systems.

Clint Dally, Pitney Bowes’ vice president for sortation solutions, said the new SortEngine provided a flexible solution that can be easily customised.

He said: “The software platform can help mailers meet USPS mail submission requirements, improve postage discount opportunities and increase the efficiency of their production print and mail operations.”


The SortEngine platform can be used for First Class letters and flats and Standard Mail letters, and supports payment systems including metered mail, permit mail and pre-cancelled stamps.

Pitney Bowes said the platform will support various customised options to potentially secure extra postage discounts, like its daily mailing system IntelliScheme, the direct mail in-home delivery system Multiple Entry Drop Ship, and Jackpot Manager, which allows mail to be temporary held back in order to provide enough density of mail in certain geographic areas to achieve USPS discounts.

SortEngine, and Pitney Bowes’ older PDoc software system, have recently been certified by the USPS for its Software Vendor Authorisation for Electronic Documentation (eDoc) programme.

This means the system has been fully tested and validated to be interoperable with the USPS commercial customer gateway PostalOne!, allowing a more streamlined entry process for mail and the sending of electronic documentation for mailings necessary for USPS Intelligent Mail Full Service.

It also means that new customers for USPS Intelligent Mail Full Service can speed up their validation test process required before they can start submitting their mailing manifests electronically.

2020-08-06 793

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