How ParcelfromChina Fulfillment Works?
Our advanced Online Warehouse management system strong enough to handle multiple warehouses services and sophisticated enough to handle complexities of ever changing e-commerce market.
“makes it easy with 5 steps”
Step 1- Create Item
Product (SKU, Stock Keeping Unit) stored in ParcelfromChin warehouse needs to be defined in our database.So have to provide products information regarding SKU /Barcode prefer,product description , weight, image if any etc.Can add any number of SKU’s as per you need in the same manner.Can also use Batch Uploading facility in the page for adding more products data at a time or can use Web Service APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).
Step 2 Activate the Product
After confirm that the product information you added in Step 1 is correct, then can activate (or enabling) the product is just a simple step. It is a confirmation to use the SKU in our online fulfillment system.All products in our warehouse must have barcodes in order to be processed. If your products don’t have barcodes, you must use our system to generate and apply on all your products.
Step 3 Create ASN
Have to create an ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) to notify us of your incoming stock. Print the ASN packing list and insert it into your carton. Packing list and inventory count must match what will be sent to us. Ensure that the ASN number is on the outside of the carton and then send it to our warehouse. We store your products and update the inventory in your system.You can check stock from the following days.
Step 4 Create Order
Create orders in our system whenever you want to sent out . Here also have the option for Batch upload your orders through a csv file.Download our template to upload this. Advanced users may also choose to integrate with our system via Web Service APIs.
Step 5 Submit Order
After reviewing the order, you can submit and then we will arrange for the delivery !! We carefully handle your package as per your requirements for packing and the shipping channels chosen.The tracking and all other details regarding the package after this will be shown on “order list”
How Shipping service works?
Instructions Guide:
Step1 Register an Account
Please register on our website’s homepage to get an account for you to use our service.
Then you will get an ID number start with “8”. You can choose a Account Manager.
Step 2 Confirm your account manager for your account with your ID number.
Step 3 Create Order
fill all the information one by one.After confirm all the information please submit the order.
After submit the order the item with order number will be shown in the “Draft” If you want to add anything or make changes here you can. After review if everything fine you can submit it to confirm.
Step 4 Sent the Order number
After confirm you can sent the order number start from “R8”to your Account manager to handle your package and arrange for delivery with the channel you chosen from