In 2021, the global COVID-19 epidemic fluctuated repeatedly, which led to the suspension of many international flights, but also promoted the rapid growth of cross-border e-commerce, and the contradiction between the supply and demand of international air cargo was increasingly prominent.
"At its worst, charter prices have quadrupled and freight rates have increased fivefold, but space is still hard to find and capacity is not available." This is the voice of a cross-border logistics practitioner in the face of the international epidemic environment.
In the face of such difficult situation, in the year of 2021 PFC through unremitting efforts, it officially become China Southern logistics headquarters big clients, and China southern airlines, hand in hand with fixed BSA + jet take goods in order to protect their positions, prices, time of high quality, using the route of China southern airlines advantage, service cross-border ecommerce enterprises, build the PFC - China southern express direct line! Let the cross - border delivery ~ worry-free.
Thus, PFC promotes the following three dedicated line with very fast services:
CNUK, shipping to UK, 6-8 days;
CZMX, shipping to Mexico, 6-11 days;
CZCO,shipping to Columbia, 6-11 days
Please consult to us for further inquiry and more details.