With more than 90 million consumers, social shopping is a craze in America

Social e-commerce shopping is hot in the United States.

E-commerce is growing rapidly in the United States, especially e-commerce platforms dominated by social media. By 2021, social's e-commerce sales in the U.S. are expected to grow 35.8 percent, with more than 90 million people using the social e-commerce channel to make purchases and total sales of $36.62 billion, according to the survey data.

In fact, the boom in social e-commerce is not for nothing. According to data from Internet media, nearly a third of US social network users are making purchases through social networks.

In addition, multiple social platforms are expanding their capabilities, transforming them from purely social to a market for products and services. More and more consumers are shopping through social platforms, and the number of consumers is expected to continue to increase in the future.

Earlier, eMarketer data showed that U.S. social commerce sales will grow 35.8 percent to $36.62 billion in 2021. From 2020 to 2025, social consumers in the United States are expected to spend an average of $737.32.

This shows the size of the social shopping market for American consumers. However, for sellers, what is more important is how to turn these social software into a sharp tool for advertising, so as to stimulate consumers' interest in shopping, simplify their shopping process, and improve their shopping experience, so as to achieve the purpose of sales volume boom.

Overall, U.S. social commerce sales will more than double to $79.64 billion between 2021 and 2025.

With consumers increasingly using social platforms, what sellers need to do is to give consumers a better shopping experience and build a comprehensive shopping experience, especially a good social media strategy, to maximize the drive of consumers to spend.

Impulse shopping and convenience are the reasons why many social consumers shop on social platforms. Creating a convenient shopping experience of one-click purchase is more likely to win the favor of more consumers and achieve the ultimate goal of sales.



2021-07-27 721

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