How many days does FedEx take from China to USA?

The transit time for FedEx shipments from China to the USA can vary depending on several factors such as the shipping method, the origin and destination cities, and any customs clearance requirements.

Here are the estimated transit times for FedEx's most common shipping services from China to the USA:

1.FedEx International Priority: This is a fast shipping option with an estimated delivery time of 1-3 business days.

2.FedEx International Economy: This is a more cost-effective shipping option with an estimated delivery time of 5-7 business days.

It's important to note that these are just estimated transit times and actual delivery times may vary depending on various factors. Additionally, the transit time may be affected by any customs clearance procedures that need to be completed.

It's always a good idea to check with FedEx or other shipping carriers for their latest transit times and any additional information on shipping from China to the USA.

The Best Fulfillment Services in China

Parcel From China (PFC Express) have created our services to provide you with the best end-to-end order fulfillment solutions available from China.

As a leading tech-powered fulfillment company in China, PFC owns shenzhen Fulfillment Center and Dongguan Fulfillment Center, utilizes smart software to provide simple and reliable China warehouse fulfillment service for e-commerce businesses, dropshipping businesses and crowdfunding projects.

PFC are committed to providing a secure warehouse, efficient fulfillment, diverse packing options, flexible shipping solutions and other value-added services to help you enhance your business with less time and money.

With over 6000㎡ storage space in Shenzhen, Dongguan (China) and automated equipment, PFC can warehouse your products safely, process orders and prepare shipments speedily.

Order fulfillment will start after your goods are placed in our China warehouse. When your customers worldwide place an order in your online store, they all want to receive them as soon as possible. But how can you meet their expectations and yet control your cost? An automated order fulfillment system is needed.

In order to meet the diversified logistics needs of cross-border sellers, PFC adheres to the customer-centric approach, integrates high-quality flights resources, and works closely with major international express and postal companies to launch a series of fast, efficient and safe cross-border B2C e-Commerce dedicated lines, international express , postal services, and FBA Prep services.

PFC e-Commerce logistics routes cover 200 regions and countries around the world, including emerging markets and remote areas. Daily flights ensure delivery of e-Commerce orders on time, and even during peak season.

Parcel from China


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