Which is the most suitable shipping method for my product?F.A.Q

We recommend to use our online shipping calculator to have the first hand info about shipping fee and estimated delivery time, and contact with account manager or customer service for more detailed quote at the second step.

1. Go to https://www.parcelfromchina.com/china-shipping-calculator.html

2. Select your destination country (the sender country is China by default and cannot be changed);

3. Enter your package weight in kg;

4. Enter your package dimension in cm;

5. Click [Calculate].

The page would auto refresh and represent the available shipping methods with basic shipping fee at Chinese currency based on the info you have entered.


1. There is no best shipping method, but the most suitable one for your product.

2. Take both shipping fee and estimated delivery time into consideration before selecting a shipping method. Some customers may also check the tracking eiligibility.

3. The shipping fee is for your reference only. The fee rate may change all the time, and the final shipping fee would be based on the real-time fee rate, actual package weight and dimension.

4. The estimated delivery time is just an estimate and not a guarantee. Most packages arrive within the time-frame.

5. The estimated delivery time may have a time lag in update especially for International Post Service, please contact customer service to check the real-time delivery time if you would like to use these services.

6. The published price is the international shipping fee from our Shenzhen processing center to the final destination. It does not include your domestic shipping to our processing center.

7. If your product is very heavy or large, or is sensitive or irregular in size, please always remember to contact us before sending to our processing center.

2020-08-13 1905

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