ebay API integration user guideF.A.Q

We have integrated with ebay API which enables you to sync orders into our system in bulk

On this page

1. Authorize ebay account and get API token

2. Define ebay shipping options

3. Setup API integration in PFC system

4. Acquire orders in bulk in PFC system

1. Authorize ebay account and get API token

Please authorize your ebay account and get API token following the steps:

1. Login PFC system;

2. Go to [Order Manage] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API], or;

3. Go to [Fulfillment] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API];

4. In the default [API Key] tab, Click [Generate] if this is your first time to setup API integration in our system;

5. Click  [Save] in the pop-up window (one API key would be displayed to the right of your customer ID);

6. Switch to the [Ebay] tab, and click [Add];

7. In the pop-up window, enter your ebay shop name, and click [Step 1: authoize ebay] (this will direct you to ebay sign page);

8. Enter your ebay username and password, and click [Sign in] (the interface language may be English or Chinese depending on your registration country, page will be redirected to ebay authorization page after signin success);

9. Click [I agree] on the ebay authorization page;

10. Page will be redirected to ebay developer sign in page, sign in your developer account if you already have one, or;

11. Sign in after registration if you haven't got a developer account yet (the developer username is selfdefined, you can enter the same name with your ebay account as you like);

12. Go back the ebay API integration page in PFC system, and enter your ebay Develop ID and DevAccountPWD (the password is optional for input);

13. Select [Enabled] from the drop-down menu;

14. Click [Step 2: access Token];

15. If operation succeeded, one pop-up message would appear with your token displayed, click [OK] and system will copy the token into [ebayToken] input box automatically;

16. Select the Start Date and End Date for the validation period (it's recommended to select a timeframe more than 1 year);

17. Click [Save].

2. Define ebay shipping options

Depending on your sales strategies, you can define your shipping options for singly for each listing, or setup a default shipping combinations to apply for multiple listings. No matter how you setup your shipping options in ebay, please remember the shipping services which will be used for the shipping matching rules at the next step.

Here is a sreenshot for listings in ebay US site for your reference.

1. Standard SpeedPAK from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan for shipping to US.

2. Standard International Shipping for shipping to Canada

3. Setup API integration in PFC system

When you have finished your defining shipping options in ebay, you can now back to PFC to complete the API integration settings.

1. Login PFC system;

2. Go to [Order Manage] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API], or;

3. Go to [Fulfillment] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API];

4. Switch to the [Ebay] tab, and click [Update] to the right of your ebay store;

5. In the [Transport] section, define your shipping matching rules by clicking [Add];

5.1 Copy your ebay shipping service to the first [Channel] column (here we copied Standard SpeedPAK from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan);

5.2 Select the designated PFC shipping method at the second [PFC Channel] column (here we selected PFCUS-DHL);

5.3 Repeat above two steps until you have added rules for all your destination countries;

6. Define default declared value and weight when necessary;

7. Select your warehouse if you are using warehouse fulfillment service to ship your Shopify orders;

8. Click [Save] after completed.

4. Acquire orders in bulk in PFC system

When you have completed the above settings, and have orders to ship in ebay, you can now acquire orders following the steps:

1. Login PFC system;

2. Go to [Order Manage] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API], or;

3. Go to [Fulfillment] > [Order Manage] > [Store-API];

4. To the right of your ebay store, click [Acquire Oder];

5. In the pop-up window, select your time frame;

6. Select [Paid] for Status;

7. Click [Get Order].

System would process your acquire request and return note when acquiring completed. If the note indicates success, you can then go to [Order Manage] > [Order Manage] > [Order List] > [Draft] to view your drop shipping orders, or go to [Fulfillment] > [Order Manage] > [Fulfillment Order List] > [Draft] to view your warehouse fulfillment orders.

2020-10-30 1977

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